Saturday, April 12, 2008

HYIP estimation "prediction"?

This is an approximate formula that can aide in determining the lifetime of a HYIP.

HYIP’s lifetime=
(SD + SH + KR) * (NO + NF + WD + GAR) * (NKI + SKW + SKR)
*365 / ((KI / SV) * (KO + RT + 1) * (KS + STR)*100000)

SD – estimated cost of designing the website (is it even nice?);
SH – cost of hosting (is it freehosting, if yes, screw it);
KR – advertisement expenses (High budget = more adverts);
NKI – presence of contact information
( Email response test... just email them something);
SKW – compliance of the indicated contact information with the information given by
‘whois’ service
(check whois with their URL, if no one shows up, screw it, BIG TIME);
SKR – compliance of the indicated contact information with the real addresses and
phone numbers; (I got no idea how to check this, most of them do not reveal this)
NF – presence of forum, quality of its development
(hmm, if have forum means more reliable);
KO – number of mistakes in web-site’s content
(Spelling error, calculation error = death);
RT – deviations in text (check plargiarism, simple. If too many copycats inside, death...);
KI – dynamics of growth of investor’s number during the first week of project’s
existence (Hard to say, they lie sometimes);
SV – sums of investments (HArd to say, they lie sometimes);
WD – information on business activity the program gets incomes from
( usually they wont tell, if they do, they sure are good enough);
GAR – presence of guarantees, ( can be faked easily);
KS – number of persons engaged in project’s maintenance and support (even hard to check);
STR – place of project’s accommodation( check locations given and compare to country's street listing);
NO – presence of office (check if they are physically available.).

The formula will only go wrong when the owner or the group, is seriously hiding something from the public. And such may have nothing to do with the HYIP.

Running away from an ex-wife or mental girlfriend could be possible reasons... =)

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